Near-Shoring by Roemmler

Our interpretation of global thinking is driven by proximity, cost effectiveness and 100% secure On Time Delivery at agreed Quality level.


Near-Shoring @Römmler

Our interpretation of global thinking is driven by proximity, cost effectiveness and 100% secure On Time Delivery at agreed Quality level. Our team in Tunisia is not just near by geography, it is also nearby daily operation. 

And we can say – we have moved far beyond partnership, we are colleagues – we work more like ONE TEAM across the Mediterranean sea. Many times we got the question „why Tunisia“? With all the current uncertainties among the global supply chain as well as the trouble potentially ahead, our answer has been shortening over the recent month.

With many uncertainties around us, the global manufacturing map must be refocussed. Greater Asia region and all Russia / Ucraine area have turned into conflict loaded areas for manufacturing businesses from Europe.

Globalization is a huge opportunity for us inside the Roemmler group and so we have formed a team which is resting onto each others ability. The complete cycle of product making can be reflected among the two operations in Germany and Tunisia.


Where to go nowadays?

Areas providing relative stability and lower military power get into focus of CEO‘s around the globe. Tunisia has been a stable and a very welcoming host country to our manufacturing operations.

For more than 28 years, Römmler utilizes the flexibility resulting from the close proximity to the southern shore of Europe at the benchmark „Asia landed cost level“- but with less surprises on transportation. We offer our clients EU standard manufacturing of technical modules for a variity of different markets starting from implementation of technology, via ramp up towards the projected quality level and productivity at best „landed cost“. Our costumers here on the Tunisian shore are big players who operate globally or partners who have manufacturing with owned facilities in Tunisia. All of our partners have experienced that globalisation can be done nearshore from the European perspective but it requires partners who have strong root‘s in the soil of the hosting North African country.


Rapid Delivery

It‘s time to rethink the global stream of manufacturing and we as Römmler Team are welcoming you to explore whether or not Tunisia provides some good and solid opportunity for your re-shoring initiatives for the years to come.

We deliver up to 3 times per day to our European customers on land in Tunisia and create 2 times per week export to Europe (Germany / France / Italy / Belgium). The transport by ferry guarantees a 24-hour transit time from port to port – Geneve and Marseille. Our partners in logistics take care of all the declarations and paperwork for entry into the EU, so it is as good as „hassle free“ for your organization and administration to receive the goods and we assure you that it will feel like an intra-European shipment.

When it comes to delivery and Quality, our target is to deliver as good as any european partner. We do have ISO 9000 standards audited regulary be DQS.We operate 24 / 7 and guarantee 345 days in operation per anno. This has for most partners positive influence on productivity and lower investment base requirements compared to the usual 5 day operations. Are you interested to learn more about our capabilities in Tunisia? We offer you to introduce you to the country as well as to the opportunities Nearshore. It is just a 2 to 3 hours fligth from almost every International European Airport away.

Near-Shoring by Römmler - Germany & Tunesia

Our interpretation of global thinking is driven by proximity, cost effectiveness and 100% secure On Time Delivery at agreed Quality level. Our team in Tunisia is not just near by geography, it is also nearby daily operation and we can say- we have moved far beyond partnership, we are colleagues – we work more like ONE TEAM across the Mediterranean sea.

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